David Carson
Salford Quays
Paula Scher
Salford Quays

When making these digital pieces i took inspiration from the work of Paula Scher and David Carson as evident by the use of overlaying the same word multiple times in order to create an amalgamation of barely recognizable words as well as obscuring the architecture image behind them these pieces being based of the work of David Carson.
Whereas with the pieces based of Paula Scher i have made use of bright vibrant colours in the background while organising the words together in clumps separated from other words. The use of colours with the architecture also makes them more eye catching and really rings them into focus in my opinion.
David Carson's and Paula Scher's work also juxtaposes each other as David Carson uses mainly dark and dull colours and blends letters and numbers together in order to make confusing but interesting shapes as well as making any text be unreadable or not make any sense at all, Whereas Paula Scher organises words together usually in patterns as well changing the size of letters within in the words. The words being bold also really helps with making her work eye catching as well as her use of mainly orange and red which really helps with making her work eye catching.